瑜伽唱誦 : Prarthana Geetam
瑜伽唱誦 : Bhaja Govindam Chinmaya
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Prarthana Gitam
by Swami Tejomayananda
tvaṁ hi no ne-tā tvaṁ hi no dā-tā
ya-tra tvaṁ na-ya-si ta-tra ga-cchā-maḥ | 1
kā-pi no cin-tā kvā-pi no bha-yaṁ
ya-dā-śra-ye ta-va var-tā-ma-he sa-dā | 2
rak-ṣa-kas-tvaṁ hi saṅ-ka-ṭe kvā-pi
śik-ṣa-kas-tvaṁ hi śo-bha-ne pa-thi | 3
de-hi naḥ śak-tiṁ budd-hiṁ ta-thā bhak-tiṁ
dar-śi-te mār-ge ca-la-nā-ya nit-yaṁ hi | 4
ya-di vis-ma-rā-ma-stvāṁ tvaṁ na vis-ma-ra naḥ
-la-kās-ta-va he ka-ru-ṇā-ka-ra pra-bho | 5
he pra-bho he vi-bho he guro
he guro he guro
1.You are our Leader. You are our Provider. Wherever You lead us, there we shall follow.
2. We have no worries . . . we have no fear . . . for we are always under Your shelter.
3. Indeed, You are our Protector in difficulties. You are our Teacher on the path of goodness.
4. Grant us strength, wisdom, and devotion to always walk on the path You have shown us.
5. Should we forget You, You please forget us not. We are Your children, O compassionate Lord!
我們可能會忘記您,但請您不要忘記我們。我們是您的孩子,慈悲的上主 !
O omniscient Lord! O omnipresent Lord! O Guru!
上師啊 ! 祢無所不知 ! 祢無處不在 !